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Monday, March 5, 2012

A Thank You From Ferry Lane Primary School in London

Ferry Lane Primary School

My name is Jack Sloan and I teach at Ferry Lane Primary School in London ( ).

I wanted to just say thanks for all of the comments your students are leaving for my class. It's great for them to hear from the other side of the world, and I hope that you see the power of blogging in schools. Blogs have really opened the eyes and brains of my class, and the improvement in their writing in clear to see as a result.

One little request - please could you ask your students not to include their email addresses in comments? I work hard to ensure my students are safe on the net, and they are extremely sensible. I'm also sure that you are all very nice... However, I don't feel that communication should happen privately between your students and mine without consent.

Thanks again for the excellent comments - I'm looking forward to hearing from you again,

Jack Sloan
Ferry Lane Primary School.

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