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Friday, March 16, 2012

New Groups Doc for Project #15 and #16 Registration

team of four

A new Groups Doc for Project #15 and #16 should now be in your Docs (To edit) so that you may register members of your new groups. One person in each group should assume responsibility for completing the Doc for each group.

Groups must be registered by these dates:
Project #15 - March 25
Project #16 - April 8

If you are not in a group and and not registered on the Projects 15/16 Doc by these dates you will be barred from completing projects #15 and/or Project #16.


  1. Dr. Strange,
    I am not seeing the new Groups Doc in my google docs. The only one I am seeing is the one titled Groups Spring 2012 last modified March 4.

  2. Mine is not showing up in the Google Docs either.

  3. You should be able to see and edit the document now. I discovered, with the kind help of Erica, that Google does not apply changes to Groups that have had the Doc shared with them in the same way that it handles a Doc shared with an individual. This makes no sense to me. My guess is that Google is doing what it always does. It releases a product to the public and lets the public discover the bugs. That's why everything Google does is Beta. The problem is they have no good way for an individual like you or me to report those bugs and we never are told whether Google knows about them and is doing something about them until they disappear. Frustrating. But free.

    If Google continue to not to work, please send me a Gmail.

    Thanks, Erica. I hope this now works!

  4. I'm not seeing it either. Any suggestions?

  5. Are we to go into the Spring Doc, update it, and send it to you?
