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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Google Docs: A Quick Overview

Watch this 3:56 (3 minutes 56 seconds. You will see this method of indicating the length of a video very often in EDM310) presentation on Google Docs: An Overview.


  1. Thanks for the video. I've been feeling a little overwhelmed today, but this really helped! I never knew that Google could do this much!

  2. I agree Alexa. I knew how to "Google" something, and I knew of Gmail. I was not aware of the other bells and whistles that Google has. It is amazing all different applications that Google has available.

  3. I like this tutorial on the basics of Google Docs! I had never heard of this part of Google before, and it really is quite interesting how easy it is!

  4. I was so excited to learn about this! I can't wait to start using it more. I think the most appealing part is you can get your files from any computer.

  5. Thank you Dr. Strange! This video was just what I needed to help me understand a bit more about Google Docs. I really do love that feature of Google. There are so many things you can do with it and you don't have to save a copy to your personal computer, which is great in the event of a computer malfunction.

  6. I really enjoyed this tutorial on Google Docs! I never knew it could do so much. For some reason though I couldn't get the survey to come up.

  7. This tutorial really helped me understand Google Docs so much better! I feel like it explained a lot to me! It is really awesome that you can access your documents from any computer and not having to worry about a USB drive! I couldn't open the survey though at the end though. Did anyone else have this problem?

  8. Sarah Nell,

    I got your questionnaire. No problem.

  9. That was a nice overview of Google Docs! It is nice to also know that if I ever have any questions, I can use the links that were provided!

    I wasn't able to access the survey at the end! :(

  10. The first time I watched the video, it didn't even show me that there was a survey. I just tried viewing it on Google Chrome and it gave me the link, but it said it was down.

  11. I use Google Docs, but this video taught me some features that I didn't know! Thanks.

  12. Thank you so much for the helpful video. I really needed this to help me understand Google Docs fully. I love how, when I went to Google Docs and viewed my student checklist it automatically saved it without me having to do anything.

  13. I'm glad everyone seems to like this type of tutorial. So I think all of you can use this as a reminder: If you don't know how something works, try looking up tutorials like this!

  14. The video was very helpful explaining Goggle Docs. I really like the Wordle Image! I am looking forward to learn how to use twitter.

  15. I had no idea so many different things were available through Google Doc. I look forward to learning how to utilize all the tools.

  16. This was helpful!! It definitely simplified things!

  17. Google is an amazing thing I must say! I knew about "documents" and "gmail" and the basic stuff you click on, but I never new exactly how much Google has to offer. This was an excellent tutorial.
