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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Sentence - Revised Already

Since I am insisting that all of you have a sentence, I should do one also. Here is my sentence:

I am still trying to change the world through attempts to discourage burp back education and to encourage creative problem solving through project based learning using technology when effective.
Revised 4/28/2010 10:55 am.

WARNING: If you tried to duck writing your sentence (we all reserve the right to change it), you will have to write one on the final exam!


  1. Dr Strange, Since I often miss things, I don't know what sentence you are referring to that we had to write. I don't want to "duck" anything so if you can tell me where or when we were assigned this I will get it done. I have talked to two other classmates and they weren't clear either. Thanks for your time.

  2. Good sentence Dr. Strange, is that as short as you can make it? hahahaha!

  3. I am still thinking about. Thanks for the heads up on this being on the final.

  4. @Pamela
    It was part of last Sunday's blog post.

  5. Trust me I can't forget my sentence-"I would always strive to do what is best for my family which I have always and will always love." I most definitely can't forget since as I am writing this I am allowing my baby brother (11 months) to sit in my lap, eat my shoulder, and blind me by stealing my glasses. Yeah I am sure I won't forget this one.

  6. I think your sentence is great, and I believe that you are doing your best to achieve this goal. You are a very good teacher Dr. Strange.

  7. I like your sentence Dr. Strange. It sounds like the beginning of a mission statement.
