Visit The EDM310 Alumni Blog Amazing! An Alumni Blog! Thanks to Jackie Gorski and all of her co-authors!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

So You Forgot To Save You C4K Data

Too many phone calls and emails!

I have opened up the tabs at the bottom of the C4K Assignment Doc for the rest of today. Select the date(s) you need by clicking on the Tabs at the bottom left of the sheet.

When you have finished, select the Tab for this week.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Even More From Canada

Ms. Purdell-Lewis has included Elizabeth Barnett's book trailer in her class blog Rubber Boots and Elf Shoes after using the book Pete the Cat in her class. In a comment on Elizabeth's blog she writes: "I just ended a Pete the Cat blog post with your book trailer. I hope that lots of people check it out."

I encourage you to check it out as suggested by Ms. Purdell-Lewis. Read the entire post Elizabeth's trailer is at the end of the post.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Project #14 Will Be Collaborative. Due Date Changed

collaboration image

In the instructions for project #14 I said "NOTE: Watch the Class Blog. I may change this to a collaborative project."

It will be a collaborative project.

It will now be due November 2 instead of October 20.

What Fun! PLN Connections Are Important!

Blog Post - a book trailer for Pete the Cat: Rocking in My School Shoes by Eric Litwin
Another message to Elizabeth Barnett from Ms. Purdell-Lewis in Canada!

Your post "Project 8 Book Trailer" [Pete the Cat: Rocking in My School Shoes by Eric Litwin]:

That is a LOT of fun. I loved the music that you picked. It fits Pete perfectly. We are making a Pete class book in my K class right now. My kids will enjoy watching your trailer tomorrow while we have our snack. Thanks for telling me about it.

Kids in Canada enjoy the work done by a EDM310 student. Did you realize how small the world really is? Blogging is so powerful! And so important!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Count for Week 8

Count von Count from Sesame street

Did Not Do the Following:

Blog Post #8 10 students (8.7%)

Special Post on Smartphones 31 students (27%)

C4T#2 21 students(18.3%)

Video Book Conversation Not Posted 15 students(13%)

In Trouble at Midterm 34 (29.8%)

F or D Likely 19 (21.1%)

C Likely 15 (16.7%)

B Likely 12 (10.5%) However 8 of these could easily slip to C.

A Likely 68 (59.6%)

Monday, October 13, 2014

Good Advice From A C4Teacher AND A Special Assignment

Masthead for Sandi Purdell-Lewis's blog Rubber Boots and Elf Shoes
Ms. Sandi Purdell-Lewis, a kindergarten teacher in Canada, left this comment on Robin Hinson's post Blog Post 2:

It looks like you are viewing some thought provoking videos as part of your course work. 21st century resources and ways of thinking require that we change how we teach in the classroom. Facts, figures and instant recall is no longer important - the ability to find, assess and use information is. Using technology as a tool (not only a toy) is a vital part of our classrooms. Teachers also need to be using that technology - being willing to constantly learn how to use new applications, or old ones in a new way. If we want networked students, we also need networked teachers. And since I am a kindergarten teacher, I am going to put in a plug for good old fashioned play. To quote a teacher I greatly admire: if you don't have a sandbox, you don't need an iPad.

Special Assignment

Take a look at Rubber Boots and Elf Shoes. Leave Ms. Purdell-Lewis a comment on her latest post. You do not have to add it to your C4T summary post. I will check this directly. Due midnight Sunday October 19, 2014.

Ms. Purdell-Lewis also sent greetings for Thanksgiving. Today (October 13) is Thanksgiving Day in Canada! Remember that when you post your comment.

Friday, October 10, 2014

November Mandatory Class Meeting Times Have Changed!

November mandatory class dates have changed!
Change Your Calendars. November Mandatory Class Dates Have Changed!

We will not meet Nov 10,11,12 and 13 as scheduled.

Instead WE WILL MEET as follows:

MW 4 class Wed November 5 AND Monday November 17.
W 6 class Wed November 5
TT 11 and TT 2 Tuesday November 4 AND Tuesday November 18

Revised dates are mown shown in Checklist Master Version 8

Change Your Calendars Accordingly

Remember that there is an automatic reduction in your final grade for every mandatory class you meet. (Wednesday night mandatory classes missed reduce your grade 2/3 letter.)

You can come to other classes that week to make up any absences with my advance approval.

Any acceptable excuses must be in writing and must be approved by me - preferably in advance.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Book Trailers Are Powerful. Just Ask Madeline Files!

In an email to me Madeline wrote:
I wanted to share this with you. I am going to GSES for my reading essentials class. I was reading the book I did my book trailer on to my student, and Mrs. Doss let me show the trailer to the whole class! She put this picture on their Facebook page and sent it to the newspaper.

Midterm Questionnaire (Exam)


You have been sent a gmail with a link to the Midterm Reflection. This is considered to be your Midterm Examination. Answer it honestly and complete it no later than midnight Sunday October 12, 2014.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Even More International Connections

Propaganda Poster World War II We Can Do It by J. Howard Miller for Westinghouse
Heather Howton has received a comment from Glaucia Rosas who teaches at a bi-lingual school in Sao Paulo Brazil. She is also a graduate student at Johns Hopkins University.

Check out Heather's post and Glaucia's comment.

The world is watching your work!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Another Thank You for Comments

Thank you for the student comments

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Twitter Really Works!

Coley Stephens
On Oct 1, 2014, at 5:13 PM, Coley Stephens wrote:

Dr. Strange,
So, I know you said that twitter would help build connections all over the US. I did not really think of it to that extreme until I tweeted something about Chi Omega's Songfest event. I thought I had tweeted it on my personal account. I have had people contact me about giving awesome silent auction items for donation, and are willing to ship them here to us. All for Make-A-Wish Alabama! I am so speechless. I'm sure you did not need reassurance that twitter actually works, but I figured I would share my excitement!

Thank you for teaching me awesome things!
Coley Stephens