Many of you failed to understand all or most of the messages contained in the assignments for Blog Post #10. Here is a general comment for all of you:
The first part of the assignment was to explain the cartoon. Papermate is a metaphor for a PC. Ticonderoga is a metaphor for a Mac. The cartoon characters resemble the stars of the long series of Apple ads (66 over 4 years) starring
John Hodgman as PC and Justin Long as Mac.
2. The second part of the assignment was to read the post
Why Were Your Kids Playing Games? , read at least one other post, create a link to in on your post, write a quality post about the two posts you read. Mr. Spencer uses satire and metaphors to deliver this message: the principal wants Mr. Spencer to use "drill and memorize" activities instead of projects or other learning approaches. All to pass the tests.
You were to select another post and comment on it.
3. The third part of the assignment was to read the post
Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff. Please? and some comments by previous students and then to discuss your position on the arguments made by Dr. McLeod.
The satiric message of Mr. McLeod which is that you can try to keep your kids away from technology which is fine with me. Mine will use it and speed past your kids in skills, abilities and rewards.
In addition you were to send Tweets to Mr. Spencer and Dr. McLeod.
Evaluate your performance on this assignment yourself.